Friday, June 5, 2015

Day 23

No big updates today.  We got some update from the pathologist that is looking at the extra tests of my marrow and he told my oncologist that they didn't look like the ones I came in with, not the Leukemia 8,21.  Before any of the tests were done when I first arrived, he already thought my blasts looked like 8,21 and he was right.  Pretty impressive.  So if he doesn't think they look like the bad stuff I came in with then hopefully on Monday we will know for sure they are not.  At that point, I would be in remission

No movement on the WBC today, still 0.3.  I got some platelets today but didn't need red blood cells as I have stayed level for two days.  So maybe I am making some red cells already?  I got a new port needle today, with only one attempt!  It is the little things in life that make you happy!  Like only being stuck once with a 1 inch needle instead of 2 or 3 times.

My older (but smaller) brother David shaved my head today.  First we did a Mohawk


Then, we took it all down.  

All cleaned up

Tomorrow I have all 3 of my brothers coming up to see me, which will be a blast!!  I need to rest up for it tonight!

1 comment:

tclandis said...

Hey Josh! I am glad to read of your faith, courage and sense of humor! By grace and Trudy caring for me, I made it through my ordeal and you will too! My port is in a bottle now! So thankful you aren't having to deal with radiation! Hang in there, lots of people are praying for you and McKenna. Everything is going to be ok.