Saturday, June 6, 2015

Day 24

Another pretty uneventful day in terms of movement.  My red blood cells seem to have stabilized right about 8 which is good.  My white blood count went down, to 0.2.  A different Oncologist came to see me today, since it is Saturday, and he said it is a good thing that it is taking a long time for the white blood cells to grow back.  That means we killed all the leukemia.

My three older brothers came up today and brought me dinner.  We had Opa's sausage, Velveeta mac-n-cheese, and green beans.  I ate my whole plate!  We watched the history of the first triple crown winner in 37 years, shaved my brother Tim's head, and then played cards against humanity.  It was really a blessing and a great distraction.  I have not laughed so hard in weeks!

Tony, David, Josh, Tim
All shaved down!  
I had a slight fever today, low 99s so I am still doing great.  Praying for God's timing for my white blood cells and to be able to go home on Monday.  I told God that I feel as if I did my job on this first round, got it all cleared out, stayed healthy so now it is time to go home.    Psalm 66:20

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