Monday, June 15, 2015

Day 33

Hi Everyone!  I went to see the Oncologist today and got some labs done.  My platelets are 496, White Blood is 2.0, HGB is 12.2.  So everything is still going up!  I have to wait until later today to get my neutrophils count to see if I am still neutropenic.  I have another appointment Wednesday to check labs, a biopsy Thursday at the hospital, and then follow up for the results next Monday.

My neck is much better!  I am using it more each day so I think that is helping.

I had a great weekend with the family and kids.  We bought a big bouncy water house for our stay-cation so we can play in the backyard.  A little strange playing in the water with a mask on, but you gotta do what you gotta do to have fun.

Don't laugh at my skinny butt

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