Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Day 21

No fever last night or today!!  I got some more red blood cells today, which I love so I can actually have a conversation without sounding like a grandpa.  No movement on my white blood cells so maybe tomorrow.  It should be any day now.  

I had my biopsy today and since I have already done it I knew exactly what to ask for:  I want two margaritas and the drill.  They sometimes only give you one dose of drugs to make you loopy and last time I had to ask for more.  So today when I went in I told them right away to just start with two.  I must have flirting or talking still so they gave me another - Great!  I don't remember a thing!  I didn't even hear the drill running like last time.  And the drill is important because, then can also use some sort of a hand crank which is just ridiculous.  Results should be tomorrow or Friday.  

Picture of the drill here: 

My hair is starting to come out, so tomorrow I am just gonna buzz it off.  Frank suggested I pull an Idan for a day and do a Mohawk or a lightning bolt but I don't think I can pull it off like Idan. 

I feel better than yesterday which was better than the day before!  Praying for good results on the bone marrow (no Leukemia) , no fevers, and white blood cells to start coming forth!   

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