Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Day 41

I am in Remission!


I give praise and thanks to Jesus for this healing and how His grace has held me through this first part of my victory!   1 Chronicles 16:8-9

The head of Texas Oncology and the oncologist that has been overseeing my treatment in south Austin, called me to tell me that they have an unanimous decision that I am in full remission!  He conferred with two pathologists, multiple oncologists, hematologists, and all agreed with the result and that I should move forward to consolidation chemotherapy.

Consolidation is only 5 days in the hospital (strange to say, only 5 days) and should be much easier than the first induction phase.  I will come home and get blood transfusions in Round Rock as needed in the week or so after the treatment.  After I recover for a while to allow my bone marrow and blood to recover again, and repeat for a total of 4 treatments.  After that, they will do another biopsy and if that comes back clear, then I will be declared cured.

So I go to South Austin Hospital tomorrow to start my treatment and day 1 of this round of consolidation.  They wanted to do this first round in south Austin so they can watch me and ensure I handle this type of chemo well.  If I do well, I can do the following ones in Round Rock.  So tonight we celebrated with real restaurant food!

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