Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Day 27

I am finally home.  It was a whirlwind of a morning as I got more red blood and then they disconnected my port and cleaned that up.  For some reason my red blood cells went down yesterday so they gave me a boost before I left.  My platelets nearly doubled to 96 as did my white blood cells to 0.8.   My neck and chest were very painful during the ride home so I took it easy for a while at the house and took an amazing nap in my recliner!  

I was able to take a walk with McKenna and Natalie to the mailbox and feel the warm sun!  It will take some adjustments but the feeling have having both kids sitting next to you on the couch is pretty much the best medicine you can buy.

The same rules from the hospital apply at the house until I get an immune system..  No kids visitors, no flowers, no outside food, no visitors with allergies or sick or been around other sick people.  I wear a mask if I leave the house and we are being very careful until we are passed this stage.

This is my new live in nurse, Natalie.  She checks on me and makes sure I am drinking my water.

Natalie taking care of Daddy.  

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