Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Day 20

My fever broke around 4am this morning and I didn't have another one until about 2pm.  I have had a low grade fever, mid 99's so not too bad and as of now (7pm) it has gone away again.

I feel much better today and can walk around easier.  Having a clear head is so important for my daily life, it lets me think better and have conversations more easily.  More good news, I got an egg crate on my bed...thanks to my wonderful wife and that helped by back last night.

Update on going home:  We will watch it and reevaluate at the end of the week.  But, as soon as my white blood count goes up then I should be able to go home pretty soon.  The low grade fevers might be a result from my bone marrow working hard to make cells.  Since I am still in the hospital I will get another bone marrow biopsy tomorrow morning sometime.  It is not too bad, but I am not looking forward to it or to not eating or drinking after midnight.

I got some platelets today and might need some more tomorrow before the biopsy.  Big thanks to my friends at Velocity that attempted and completed the blood drive at Velocity.  I know there were many others that knew they could not donate but wanted to as well.  Very cool to see everyone step up and help the community.  I may have said it before, but without blood products I would be dead.

Bus and people who gave or tried to give.  
Continue to pray for white blood counts to increase and no fevers.  The doctors are still very happy with my progress and think I am breezing through it.

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