Monday, June 22, 2015

Day 40

I got the preliminary results from the biopsy and it did NOT show any leukemia cells in the bone marrow.  But, they don't have the full results back yet so we cannot be 100% sure that it is all clear.
Unfortunately, we don't have a date of exactly when that will be done but it should be by the end of this week.  So, not really much to report in terms of the biopsy results because the more detailed results could come back and say there is leukemia even know the first results did not.

Good news!  I am no longer neutropenic!!  I have just enough neutrophils!  No more mask unless people are sick in a dirty area.  I can eat out on a limited basis but already had a wonderful huge Mighty Fine burger!  In honor of no longer being neutropenic I am posting a picture of a neutrophil:

I engulf and destroy invading microorganisms.

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