Thursday, June 4, 2015

Day 22

I got some results from the biopsy today.  When I came in 3 weeks ago, 90% of my bone marrow was Leukemia cells, today they didn't see any in my bone marrow.  This is good news!  But, they did see something in another test that they have to do some molecular tests on so they are holding off until those results come back before saying if I am in remission or not.  One way I heard it said to me today, was it was the second best news you could have received today.

Still no white blood cells as I don't have any bone marrow based upon the biopsy.  This is good, they did a good job killing it all.  So, now are just waiting for it all to start working again.  I will be staying the rest of this week and weekend for sure.  Today is 3 weeks since I was admitted to the hospital.  It feels longer than that and shorter than that all at the same time.  

Many people have asked if there are vitamins that I can take to help make white blood cells and the doctor said my body has all the fertilizer it needs for the garden, the issue is that he put so much weed killer down it takes a while to wear off before something can grow.

Tomorrow is our 11 year wedding anniversary.  I am so proud of my wife and amazed to see how strong she is each day.  She has taken her vows seriously, in sickness and in health.  :)

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