Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Day 42

I started day 1 of my first round of consolidation today!  I am back with all my great nurses and doctors and getting great care.  Coming to the hospital this time was so much easier than the first round.  I am feeling good and my levels are all good today, soon they will be falling again due to the chemo.

Question - What questions would people like answered?  Feel free to email, text, or comment on the blog and I can compile some questions and answer them as best I can.

Here is a picture of Wall-e working hard for me again.

The chemo I got last time was given over 24 hours.  This time it is 3 times stronger and given over 3 hours two times, 12 hours apart.  It is called Cytarabine and the dosage is called high dose ara-c.  I will get my next dose at 4am...liberals have struck again.

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