Sunday, May 17, 2015

Day 4

Another fun day today and more good news: My WBC went down today!  This can happen and could go up tomorrow but everyday it goes down is better than it going up.

Tomorrow is a big day, I will get my port and all the details of how the next weeks will look.  I am excited to get started.  Platelets are low so I am praying they bounce back up before tomorrows procedure.

Asia and Europe Help - my blood is drawn around 4am CST so a prayer for me around this time would be great.  All of you will be up or ending your work days around this time.  I appreciate the help!  

My mother and father in law, David and Gina.  Such a big help with the kids and at the house with McKenna.  Thanks for all your help!!


SCHA said...

I set my alarm for 2 pm so we can keep you covered in prayer.

SCHA said...

wait, my time change conversion was off---will pray at 6pm!

Paper Dolls said...

so glad Scha can pray during the night - our time- for you all! See God uses all circumstances for good!!