Monday, May 25, 2015

Day 12

Today they hung my last bag of chemo!!!   That doesn't really mean much they tell me, but it does to me.  Last night was good and today, no fevers and no bleeding.  I got new platelets so hopefully they last through a couple of days this time.  I am officially neutropenic today which is defined below from

Neutropenia is an abnormally low level of neutrophils, a type of white blood cell. All white blood cells help the body fight infection. Neutrophils fight infection by destroying harmful bacteria and fungi (such as yeast) that invade the body. People who have neutropenia are at increased risk for developing serious infections because they do not have enough neutrophils to destroy harmful microorganisms that cause disease. Some degree of neutropenia occurs in about half of people with cancer who are receiving chemotherapy, and it is a common side effect in people with leukemia.
 I will likely get more red blood cells tomorrow which will help me feel better and be less out of breath.  They carry the oxygen in your blood so they are very important.  My white blood count which was so high when diagnosed is now almost zero at 0.6 thanks to the chemo.

My best friend from high school and college, Jerry, came to see me today.  It was great catching up with him.

Please continue to pray for no fevers and no bleeding.  The doctors keep telling me it will get worse, but I keep telling them "No, I will only go up from here".


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this blog. I've been praying and keeping up with your progress from Asia.

Love the attitude, it's definitely one of the main ingredients to a successful recovery!
