Friday, May 22, 2015

Day 9

Hello Everyone!  Another busy day at the Pucci hospital room.  I got two units of blood that helped me feel better!!  They did some more work on my port today so I figured I would educate everyone on what one is.  A week an a half ago, I had never heard of one!

From Wikipedia:
A port consists of a reservoir compartment (the portal) that has a silicone bubble for needle insertion (the septum), with an attached plastic tube (the catheter). The device is surgically inserted under the skin in the upper chest or in the arm and appears as a bump under the skin. It requires no special maintenance and is completely internal so swimming and bathing are not a problem. The catheter runs from the portal and is surgically inserted into a vein (usually the jugular veinsubclavian vein, or superior vena cava). Ideally, the catheter terminates in the superior vena cava, just upstream of the right atrium. This position allows infused agents to be spread throughout the body quickly and efficiently.

 So they can just hook up my meds and chemo every day to my port and it places it all directly into my vain above my heart.  They can also draw blood from it too, so I don't have to stuck so many times.  Today they had to change out my needle going into the port and clean up all the "oozing".  Three sticks later in my chest I am up and running again and with no "oozing".

What is in my chest

How it goes into my veins.  They entered my vein on my neck.


I was able to see Natalie and Aaron at the hospital chapel.  They came separately which was great so I could spend alone time with them.  It is amazing how much they have grown in just a week and a half.   One more picture below to symbolize how the Lord always has, currently is, and will forever be my strength.

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