Monday, May 18, 2015

Day 5

Wow, what a busy day .

  • Last night I had a chest X-RAY - All clear
  • They did a Sonogram on my heart - All clear
  • This morning my WBC rose to 79.2 and my platelets dropped to 36.  HGB was low at 8.7
  • Because of the low platelets they gave me some platelets that had been donated so I could have my surgery and not bleed out.  You never realize how important blood donation is until you need it yourself!  
  • I had my port put in and I came out of that surgery just fine..  I have sore neck where they cut into my vain and a sore chest but otherwise I am very happy to have this new easy way to give me my medicine and take my blood.  It looks like I was in the gang fight up in Waco!  
  • Then the oncologist came by and told us they really good news that I have M2 8 21 AML.  He said if you were to put a line down the middle of Leukemia, with one half being the bad kind and the other half being the good kind, mine is on the good side.  Thank you Jesus!
  • He conferred  with MD Anderson in Houston, and the University of Washington in Seattle and they both did not have any investigatory drug for this subset or anything fancy they would do for the first "introduction" phase of the Chemo.  There are many phases and right now I am just starting my first.
  • So based upon that for the next 3-4 weeks we will be staying in Austin.  
  • If I need a bone marrow transplant I will move to MD Anderson in Houston for that.  
  • I start Chemo at 10am tomorrow and will have it given to me at 10am and 10pm every day for one week, until next Tuesday. 
  • Special thanks for all my family and friends for the help with the kids, food, transportation, and for making me feel loved more than I deserve!  
Hearing an Oncologist say, I have good news.  Is a great thing to hear!  


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