Friday, May 15, 2015

Day 2

Today I found out they draw blood at 4am everyday!  They are obviously liberals! :)
I had a bone biopsy this morning taken from my hip bone.  Immediate results confirmed AML but it will take a few more days to determine the subtype.

So for the next two days I will be hanging out in the hospital , eating as much food as possible, and having fun before the work starts on Monday.

On Monday they will do an operation to insert a port into my chest do they can give me the chemo directly into my articular veins.  By Monday they will have the full results of the biopsy and from there they can make a decision on the path forward.

The outpouring of love has been unimaginable and I am truly blessed to have such great family and friends!

View of downtown Austin from my room  



Anonymous said...

Hey Josh,

We are all praying for you. Stay strong and never give up. Your determination is humbling. You are right, only liberals would draw blood at 430 am. The road ahead will be tough, but just remember you don't have to travel it alone. We will walk beside you, but god will walk before you. Trust in him and never lose sight of your goal.....complete and total recovery.

Love your brother,


Unknown said...

Thinking of you Pucci! Just think of my crazy self riding my horse at 4:30 in the morning and then you telling me to shower when I come into the office, smelling like dirt! :) You got this! -Kaylana