Saturday, May 16, 2015

Day 3

Great News!  Today I found out the coffee in the break room is better than at Velocity!   This is a big deal!  
Today was a fun day with my family.  My brother Tony and his family came for awhile and took care of the kids for the whole day.  My parents and McKenna's parents are both here and that is such a blessing to have them near by.  

My white blood count continues to rise but steadily and it has not jumped any of the days I have been in the hospital.  My platelets are steady as well so we need to keep them above 50 to avoid a blood transfusion on Monday.  

After Monday is done I will have a much clearer picture of the weeks to come and will be able to take visitors more easily.  

Aaron, Taren, Natalie (getting me good), Gianna

1 comment:

Mary Hegefeld said...

Hallelujah for better coffee!!! Thank you for sharing your blog and allowing us a look into your daily victory. Our God is a mighty God and He IS in the business of healing :) He WILL carry you ghrough. You're in our constant thoughts and prayers.
Much love,
Mary & Lance