Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Day 6

I am copying my wife's post from Facebook, she did such a good job so I don't need to do it twice!! 
My wife is amazing!!  I love her more and more each day.  

More good news! We talked with the transplant doctor today. He was very knowledgeable and gave us the most information we have received thus far. I took 3 pages of notes! So to give you the short version:
He said this is the best kind of leukemia to have. They have know about this specific type since the 70's and are still treating it the same way today as they did back then meaning that it responds to treatment well. Josh will be on chemo 24 hours a day for the next 7 days. After that, they watch for infection, do blood transfusions if necessary, etc. Day 14 they will do another bone marrow biopsy. If it comes back clean, he will be in remission. A few weeks after that, he will have consolidation which is basically another week in the hospital where they do four 30min rounds of very strong chemo over a 7 day period. If after that, he comes back clean, he will be cured! There is always a chance of relapse, and if that were to happen, that is when a bone marrow transplant would be done. But we are praying against that in the name of Jesus and say he will be cured after the induction phase. If and when he stays relapse free for 2 years, he is cured for life and the leukemia should not come back. And I asked again if we needed to worry about the kids and he said no this is not genetic, it is basically a case of bad luck.So prayer requests:
*He is having a blood transfusion tomorrow, so pray that goes well.
*There is one mutation that they are still testing for called the ckit mutation. We do NOT want this. We should know that in the next 2 to 3 days.
*That his treatment is by the book and he is leukemia free on day 14 and cured after the consolidation phase and this nasty disease will be gone forever!
*That the side effects of chemo will not be bad.
THANK YOU again for all the prayers,love, and support! It has been such a blessing and makes this situation much more bearable.
My Friend Wall-e.  He goes everywhere with me.  He loves me.  

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