Sunday, May 24, 2015

Day 10 & 11

Saturday was a hard day.  I didn't sleep well at all because I had a fever and very uncomfortable.  My temp was around 101.5 and they gave me some medicine to take it down so I tried to go back to sleep.  About 3 minutes later, I almost passed out, started sweating like crazy, and was shacking.  I could barely call the nurse!  Three of them rushed in and took great care of me.  Nurses really are the ones that heal you.  The whole day my head hurt like a crazy hangover and it was difficult to walk.   They did a whole work up on me to ensure I don't have any viral or bacterial infections which came back negative.  I am now on antiviral and antibiotics continuously since I have had a fever. My spirits were down and the only thing I could do was look to Jesus to help me through.  I had no strength on my own.

Saturday night was much better. I rolled over to go to sleep around 9:30 and felt my shirt was wet so I touched it and it was blood coming from my port.  I was all down my chest and stomach so they came and cleaned me up and did my blood work at midnight instead of 4am so they could order platelets earlier.  This morning my wonderful nurse Holly cleaned it all up.  My platelets level was at 8, the normal human is 250-450 so I probably used all 8 of them to stop the bleeding.    Here is a picture by brother took before she cleaned it up.  WARNING, only click it if you want to see gross blood.  Link
My head felt much better today and my fever was very small so overall a much better day, even with the bleeding.  My perception on life is definitely changing!  :)  Each day I am praying for no more fever and no more bleeding!

My brother and sister-in-law and their son came down this weekend to give my parents a needed break from watching the kids and running around.  Thanks to them for their time and support!!

Funny note, the antiviral medicine I am on is Valtrex.  You know the STD one with all the commercials about herpes and with such happy people.  They said it is really good at getting other viruses and such but it makes me laugh each day when I take it.  


Eleanor Romell said...

Thinking for you. Hang in there and stay strong!
- Jesper

Miriam said...

Hi Josh, We're praying for you all the time. Praying Psalm 91 as you asked. Thank you for letting us know what is going on with you. You are amazing, we love hearing how you are keeping up your sense of humor. We are praying for McKenna and the kids too. The Lord bless you!!