Thursday, October 1, 2015

Day 141

Appointments went well.  My WBC is actually going up already, to 0.7 so it will be interesting to see if it maintained for fell back down when I get labs done today.  My lip is still infected but doing better each day, hopefully another sign my immune system is doing something.  No fevers either!

 The pulmonologist (lung doctor) wanted me to be on steroids for 6 weeks leaving the hospital, but somehow the hospitalist (doctor in charge while you are in the hospital) only wrote the prescription for 12 days.  SO, I have to start all over on my stinking steroids.  But, my oncologist (cancer doctor) didn't want me on them so long as it reduces your immune system and has many other bad side effects.

Long story shortened, I had an X-Ray done and it is perfectly clear.  No pneumonia.  Today I will get a CT scan done with dye, and if that comes back clear then I can stop the steroids!!  I am sure it will come back clear, results should be tomorrow.  They are all good doctors but that is why they call it "practicing medicine"  they all have different opinions.

Ok funny time.  My wonderful wife noticed, shocking I know, that they wrote SOB for the diagnosis on my X-Ray form.  So for many of you who have called me an SOB, or thought about calling me an SOB, your suspicions are now confirmed.

Hi my name is Josh and I am a chronic SOB.  Looking to start an SOB support group.  There has to be others, right?   

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