Saturday, November 7, 2015

Day 178

I got my blood and platelets on Friday, hopefully, my last blood transfusion.  Before I started the transfusion I had a low-grade temp so they did the transfusion very slowly and all was well.

Later that evening I started to feel crappy and started to run a higher temp.  It got to 101 so I had to go to the ER right away.  McKenna and the kids drove me down to South Austin Hospital and
dropped me off.  They admitted me to the oncology floor where all the doctors and nurses know me.
I am feeling ok, kinda flu-like and I will get really cold with chills them also get very hot.  They have me on two very strong IV antibiotics and some nice mess to keep my headache at bay and reduce my fever.

I need to be fever-free for 24 hours with no meds,  please pray this happens very soon.  I don't want to be here with a fever for 12 days like last time.  Monday or Tuesday is fine by me!!

My nurses made me a crown because I am a princess,  they give me whatever I want and move people around so I can have different rooms, etc.  I don't care if they call me a princess,  as long as I get what I want!  :).  P.P stands for Princess Pucci!

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