Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Day 174

Sorry for the delay in posting.  Last week I got two units of platelets and two units of red blood on Thursday and Friday , respectively.  That was great so I didn't have to go to the ER over the weekend with low levels.   This is normal to get the blood products now, I am at the lowest point after the chemo.  

I have 0 immune system so I'm being extra careful to avoid crowds and stay indoors.  Because I have no immune system, I got another mouth sore which is now infected.  The lymph nodes under my jaw are super sore and the pain goes all the way up to my eye and ear.  I am on different antibiotics to treat that and hopefully contain it so I don't get a fever.  The also gave me a mouth rinse with liodocaine to numb the area - it is amazing!!!  Hydrocodine wasn't even taking the pain away.  

I have an appointment with my oncologist on Wednesday and will probably get more platelets then as well.

I have been asked often "What is next?"
-----Once I recover from the chemo, meaning all my blood levels are close to normal or not critical,  then they will do a final bone marrow biopsy.  After that one comes back clear then I am officially done with treatment!! Then I can get my port removed and just continue to get stronger before returning to work.  All of this should be done before the end do the year.

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