Monday, November 9, 2015

Day 180

I'm still in the hospital fighting fever with or without medication.  But it seems to me that my temps have been lower in the last 24 hours and I had one normal temp today!  So I'm taking that as positive!
When I came in I had a goal to go home Wednesday , knowing how long these things can last.  Still praying for Wednesday which would mean I need to have no temperature tonight.  My WBC has gone up to 0.5 from 0.1 Last Wednesday so this should help my fever break too!!
I got more red blood today, and that should be my final one. :)  I fell a bit stronger after getting that so hoping for a better day tomorrow.  My parents are in town helping with the kids and they came up to the hospital to spend time with me today, it was really nice!
The good thing is that I don't have any other condition to complicate the fever.  So all I need to do is beat this fever!!

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