Sunday, August 23, 2015

Day 103

The bronchoscopy went fine.  The doctor noted how clean and healthy my lung tissue looked and she could not physically see any of the infection.  The infection is far down into the lungs so obviously couldn't put her scope there.  They are growing what they took out but it will take up to 2 weeks to grow so they are just giving me some different anti fungal drugs to see what works in the meantime.  
My latest X-ray showed the same thing in my lungs and it had not grown , and maybe shrunk a little.  

My labs are up!  That is the best way to beat this hing and move on.  My WBC is 1.3 and neutrophils are 0.7.   That is HUGE compared to 1 week again with both were nearly zero.
Today my fevers were he lowest since I came in, mostly fever free.  I spiked to 101.8 last night so we need to pray that I have no fevers tonight!!!  If so, maybe I can go home tomorrow and see Aaron off to his first day of 1st grade.  

1 comment:

Miriam said...

We love to hear good news about you, Josh! We continue to pray and will pray for no more fevers and that your labs will continue to go up and you will be able to go home. Love you!