Friday, August 21, 2015

Day 100 & 101

Yesterday my numbers dropped back down,  this is common during he recovery phase of the bone marrow. Fevers have been getting higher, 102.8, 103 and the lows with Tylenol have been in the 100's.

My oncologist decided to do another X-ray because I had a very slight caugh.  You have to tell them literally everything you feel as it might be important.  The first two X-ray they did earlier this week were perfectly clear, even commenting on how great they look.  But the third one should some sort of infiltrate , or phemonia.  She also set me up with an infectious disease doctor. I was actually excited for them to find this, that means they can treat me and kick this fever.  They did a chest CT scan with the die yesterday and I hope to hear the results from the infectious disease doctor today.  They also set me up with a plumonary doctor that will sedate me today and put a scope down my throat into my lungs and take some of the goo out.  Then they will grow it and see what they get.   Since I have been on such high powered antibiotics for a week, with no improvement, they are concerned it is a fungal or mold infection.  Either way they can still treat it and give me the specific drugs I need to get better, which hey have not been able to be this whole time.  No eating or drinking all day until after the procedure at 2:30pm.  Sigh!

Finally, my ear hurts so I got an ENT stopping by later.  So it will be very busy.  One more cool thing,  when I got my red blood cells there was s tag that said m = antigen so the blood bank identified the antigen that gave me my reaction and now my blood is screened against that.

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