Monday, July 20, 2015

Day 68

I got my blood tested again today and my numbers are up but not enough to start my next round of chemo.  I will go again on Thursday and see where they are at.  They should be high enough to start my next chemo on Thursday or Friday.

Just a recap for everyone, hopefully it will be easy to follow:

  1. I have completed my induction chemotherapy, it lasted 3 weeks 5 days in the hospital.
  2. This round induced my remission (YEAH) and allowed me to move on to the consolidation chemo.
  3. I will have 4 rounds of consolidation. 
  4. I have completed 1 round of consolidation and hope to start my second this week. 
  5. I must wait 3-4 weeks in between each chemo to allow my bone marrow to start grafting again.  They cannot start another round if there is nothing to kill.  
  6. If everything stays like it has so far I will have a round end of July, end of August, and End of September.  
  7. Each round of consolidation is 5 days in the hospital and then recovery at home. I am neutropenic (no immune system) for almost the entire time at home.  
Thank you for everyone's support, prayers, love and help!  

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