Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Day 55

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend!  I had a good time, McKenna's parents came into town and we had great food and fireworks.  I have been neutropenic again since July 3rd so having to wear the mask out of the house and watch what I eat.

Yesterday I went to get my labs done, I go twice a week.  My platelets and red blood cells were low (this is expected) so I went to the hospital in Round Rock yesterday and got platelets and today I go to get red blood cells.  So, I am at the bottom of my levels again which is good.  Now, we need to see how long I stay low and how quick they will recover.  Once they recover, I can start my second round of consolidation.

I feel ok, more tired and out of breath due to my low levels but much happier doing this at home than in the hospital.  My cloudy vision has gone away but now it is blurry so I will an ophthalmologist just to ensure there is nothing wrong with my eyes.  It should go away with time.  

Sorry for so many days with no post but there wasn't much going on each day.  Pray we get this round completed quickly and with no fevers or complications so we can move forward.

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