Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Day 214

Today I got my port removed, a very big psychological victory for me.  It was great having it during treatment but it was always in the way at home with the kids and never let me fully relax while doing activities.
It was a simple procedure that I elected to have under general anesthesia to be stress free for me!  I am doing good and just relaxing at home now. Just a few days of rest and I should be back to normal.
I am continuing to get stronger and build my muscles daily.  I am walking further and faster and able to do more normal activities.  I am so blessed to have this all behind me during the Christmas season.
I will get labs done every two weeks and then another bone marrow biopsy at the end of February just to make sure everything is good.  After that I should move to having the biopsy every 6 months.

Thank you again for all your support and prayers.  Merry Christmas everyone!!  

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